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3 Managed Security Services Trends For 2018

The ever-increasing threat of cyber-attacks is a harsh reality for every business in the modern age.

The cost-effectiveness of security breaches is set to approach 2 trillion dollars by 2019, and any company that doesn’t invest heavily in network security will permanently be at risk of an attack.

Businesses in the UAE that have realized this fact are increasingly opting for MSSPs (Managed Security Service Providers) over in-house IT teams.

This is because specialist in-house teams are hired on a permanent basis, and most small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the region can’t afford their services around the clock.

3 Managed Security Services Trends For 2018 | Information Security Consulting

There’s also an element of risk. Hackers are constantly advancing their techniques and looking for new ways to target unprotected systems. You won’t know how capable your newly hired IT specialists are at handling network breaches until an incident occurs!

The recent emergence of ransomware and the growing list of cyber threats mean in-house services are no longer a desirable solution, and MSSPs are the way to go!

With that in mind, here are the 3 trends managed security services Qatar based companies are implementing in 2018 to secure your networks:

1. A Shift to the cloud

As more and more organizations shift their IT networks to the cloud, it is only inevitable that security providers will follow.

Cloud-based security management will finally get rid of the “hardware to network crawl” burden which slows down the entire system due to a hardware’s speed and physical constraints.

Instead, a business’ network will always be accessible over the cloud, meaning MSSPs can cater to its security needs from anywhere in the world without the need to access the physical hard drives it runs on.

2. Predictive analysis

Instead of dealing only with the traditionally identifiable threats, new trends will force these companies to predict future vulnerabilities in systems.

This prediction of unknown future events is now possible due to advances made by penetration testing Dubai based companies in vulnerability assessment techniques.

3. Intelligence-driven security

Big data analytics has enabled MSSPs to sort through the huge number of security logs their systems generate at tremendous speeds.

These new speeds mean that service providers will be able to identify and act against malicious behavior or abnormal patterns in a matter of minutes, rather than hours. Imagine the tremendous amount of data and information that saves in a potential leak incident!


Traditional in-house teams of IT specialists are no longer enough to protect businesses from the growing threats of cyber-attacks!

MSSPs are always looking for new ways to protect networks from malicious hackers, and it’s time you too outsourced your company’s IT networks to a managed security service provider.

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